NA Motorcycle Ride - 2006

This blog is to document a motorcycle trip through western North America in 2006. Tentative schedule is to leave Houston, Texas on June 28, 2006, traveling first to the Grand Canyon, then through Utah to Glacier National Park, to Banff, Calgary, and then on the Alaskan Highway to Anchorage; return routing using the Alaskan Ferry system to Prince Rupert, B.C., returning down the Pacific coast, through Shasta NF.

My Photo
Location: Beverly Hills, FL, United States

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July 2, 2006 – Day 6 - 320 Miles Provo, UT to Jackson Hole, WY

Provo, UT to Jackson Hole, WY

Following Bob up Logan Canyon
(PS - I know I got a dirty lense..Will try to fix it one of these days)

Great ride today. Bob and I left around 7:30 a.m. and took I-15 north to Brigham City, taking US89 up through Logan canyon to Big Bear Lake. Stayed on US89 to Jackson Hole.

Bob is called “Blonde Dog” by his Harley riding buddies and is known by practically every motorcycle rider in Utah-Colorado-Idaho-Wyoming-Montana. We’d stopped at a turnout on the Snake River when two bikers blew by at around 80 mph. A few minutes later they returned to join us. Yep, FOB (friends of Bob). We joined them for the rest of the ride into Jackson Hole, then went to a local sports bar to celebrate and have fellowship, one with another. In other words, we got pretty well smashed while watching the Ladies US Open. Fortunately our hotel was just across the street. We made it with room to spare.

Logan canyon is one of the most beautiful canyons in Utah (or anywhere else for that matter), and the ride from Alpine Junction to Jackson Hole, with the Snake River paralleling the course is fantastic. We stopped, as mentioned to view the river when Bob’s Harley buddies joined us. The river is full of rafting tourists; many complete with two-piece bathing suits. Someone suggested several “Man Laws” during this and the later “bonding” at the sports bar. But I can’t remember them right now for some reason.

Rafters on the Snake River just outside Jackson Hole.


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