NA Motorcycle Ride - 2006

This blog is to document a motorcycle trip through western North America in 2006. Tentative schedule is to leave Houston, Texas on June 28, 2006, traveling first to the Grand Canyon, then through Utah to Glacier National Park, to Banff, Calgary, and then on the Alaskan Highway to Anchorage; return routing using the Alaskan Ferry system to Prince Rupert, B.C., returning down the Pacific coast, through Shasta NF.

My Photo
Location: Beverly Hills, FL, United States

Saturday, August 12, 2006

August 12, 2006 – Day 33 – 152 Miles Lassen NF, CA - Reno, NV

Lassen NF, CA - Reno, NV

Another great morning ride! No rain. It got cold overnight. The campsite is something over five or six thousand feet and there was definitely a chill on the pumpkin this morning. Fortunately my little sleeping bag made me the bug in the rug and I slept great. Cold enough to make camp tear down a little touchy but I made it. Insofar as the logistics for the shower (mentioned yesterday) are concerned, they turned out to be non-existent. It was too cold to try to figure that one out so I “rode dirty” weating yesterday’s clothes.

Stayed on Hwy 44 to Susanville, then took Hwy 395 to Reno where I got a room and am encamped hoping I can find some people in Harrah’s poker room willing to subsidize my trip.

The ride from Lassen NF to Susanville was absolutely wonderful, even with a short span of road repair with the “Alaska-like” loose gravel and mud. It was just such a beautiful morning that I chose to hang the throttle around 60 mph and just feel the heat of the sun as it warmed up. It was really special. I also passed some flowers on the road that looked like close cousins of Texas Blubonnets. Those noted in the high country of Canada and Alaska were more pink and, though quite pretty, are distinctly different from these. These look just like Blubonnets to me, but of a different color. No matter, they are beautiful lining the side of the road.

Amazing thing in Susanville! As I rode toward Susanville I was, as usual, very wary of deer on the highway. Didn’t see any, as usual. In the heart of Susanville I glanced to my right and saw what appeared to be a very life-like statue of a wonderful buck. He was sleek, a beautiful tan color, and was shown in velvet, at least eight points. Then he MOVED taking a step or two to the right! I couldn’t believe it. I immediately pulled in the clutch and coasted to the edge of the street while unzipping my tank bag to get at my camera. I pulled it and turn to look over my right shoulder. The deer was already mostly across the street moving away from me. I raised the camera and snapped immediately, knowing I didn’t have time to zoom.

Pulled into Reno, found a motel, checked in, and decided Betsy (the Kaw) had earned a real bath. After cleaning myself up (hot showers are really becoming one of my favorite things on this planet), I found a car wash and negotiated a hand wash and wax for her. It wasn’t cheap, but she deserved it! I can’t say enough about how this bike has plowed through everything the road has thrown at us, and done it without a whimper or a problem. Even after all the road repair in northern Canada and in Alaska, she isn’t even rattling anywhere. That is amazing. If you can’t tell, I’m very appreciative of my Betsy.


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